
Are Efco Chainsaws Good? (Explained for beginners)

Are Efco Chainsaws Good? (Explained for beginners)

There are so many chainsaw brands on the market that you can select from. One such brand is the Efco chainsaws.  But are these chainsaws any good, and are they worth your money?  Well, they have some of the best features you’ll ever find in a chainsaw, including a good…

Are Stanley Chainsaws Good? (Explained For Beginners)

Are Stanley Chainsaws Good? (Explained For Beginners)

Stanley is a significant chainsaw brand recognized for its compactness and power efficiency.  It has several modern features that make it fun to use from start-up to shutdown. Stanley chainsaw has mostly petrol engines in its range. Stanley is a high-quality brand that brings innovation and quality into its product….

Are Makita Chainsaws Good? (Explained For Beginners)

Are Makita Chainsaws Good? (Explained For Beginners)

There’s no shortage of chainsaws on the market, but some perform better than others.  Every kind of woodwork has its ideal chainsaw. Beginners and pro loggers only need to discover the brand and model that works best for them. Makita Chainsaw is a brand of Chainsaw that demonstrates a consistent…

Is Sycamore Wood Good For Anything? (9 Quick Facts)

Is Sycamore Wood Good For Anything? (9 Quick Facts)

American sycamores (Platanus occidentalis) grow naturally all over the US. It usually grows large to a great height with a sturdy trunk like most hardwoods. However, you will rarely see manufacturers using Sycamore in production in the lumber industry. This is why many people, particularly those who have these trees…

Is Sassafras Wood Good For Anything? (11 Quick Facts)

Is Sassafras Wood Good For Anything? (11 Quick Facts)

Sassafras is an indigenous tree dominantly found in North and Eastern America. It grows naturally in untilled fields, ditches, dry hillsides, and fence lines. You can also spot medium Sassafras trees on rich woodland soils. Sassafras is attractive lightweight but durable wood with a wide range of uses. You can…

Are Vintage Chainsaws Good? (5 Quick Facts)

Are Vintage Chainsaws Good? (5 Quick Facts)

A few years ago, chainsaws raised major safety risks and concerns to users. Even the experts noticed some design flaws that presented potential injuries.  However, modern innovations have led to a better design of these handy tools, making them easier to use and safer.  But are the vintage chainsaws worth…

Are Mcculloch Chainsaws Good? (Explained For Beginners)

Are Mcculloch Chainsaws Good? (Explained For Beginners)

The absence of the right equipment makes a simple task harder than it should be.  When logging and felling trees, having the right chainsaw is as critical as having the right skills and experience. The McCulloch brand has been in existence for over 70 years. McCulloch holds a reputation for…

Is Boxelder Wood Good for Anything? (5 Facts With Pictures)

Is Boxelder Wood Good for Anything? (5 Facts With Pictures)

Boxelder is a widespread, adaptable, and easy-to-grow tree from North America. Its popularity has earned it a lot of names among proponents and opposers alike. The tree can grow almost anywhere but is more prevalent in wet bottomlands. However, is it good for anything? It is easy to write off…

Is Hemlock Wood Good for Anything? (5 Facts With Pictures)

Is Hemlock Wood Good for Anything? (5 Facts With Pictures)

When building something indoors or outdoors, you must select quality and sturdy wood. This will ensure that your structure can serve you for several years, if not decades. There are many wood options but is hemlock wood good for anything? Hemlock is a pretty stable wood, and because of its…

Is Elm Wood Good for Anything? (5 Facts with Pictures)

Is Elm Wood Good for Anything? (5 Facts with Pictures)

When you want to make or buy furniture, you consider tough and durable wood before anything else. This is because wood quality will determine how long you will use the furniture. What if you have Elmwood? Is it good for anything? Elm wood is among the best wood for manufacturing…