Why Are Women’s Jeans So Expensive? (6 Facts Explained)

This week, I decided to take a look at the pricing of the popular jeans brands for identical women’s and men’s jeans. I was shocked to learn that women’s jeans tend to cost a lot on some sites.
But why is that?
Higher prices in women’s jeans can mostly be tied up to the workmanship that goes into the designing of their jeans. A lot more effort is involved in designing women’s jeans and designers compensate for this extra effort on price tags.
It is all about an outcome of product differentiation and not some evil ploy by retailers to exploit women as some ladies may take it.
However, we have other factors that contribute to the high pricing in women’s jeans other than workmanship.
What Really Makes Women’s Jeans so Expensive?
Women’s jeans are expensive because they are more complicated to make. A lot of design goes into making them and they require quality materials. We all know how US gal values quality and they will hardly buy cheap low quality jeans.
Most designers will charge more for women’s jeans simply because it takes longer and consumes more resources to produce. Jeans aren’t so hard to produce, but the designers want to make a profit. So, the more effort they put into designing them the more they will charge for the jeans.
With luxury jeans, ladies pay for the perceived prestige of the brand name. This is something beyond the quality of the material labor or marketing. You buy these types of jeans not because you need a pair of jeans but to make you feel special.
Women also put more effort into dressing themselves and are always willing to buy expensive jeans. Given that they shop more, their jeans are always on demand and once a product is in high demand, the price always shoots up.
How Expensive Are We Talking About Here?
At the time of this writing, Levi’s 501 fit women’s jeans were being sold at $98 at Levi.com. This was $20 more than men’s 501 fit jeans that were sold at $78.
The only discernible difference I noticed with these two products is the gender of the people wearing them. The rest of the things looked similar, including quality.
That being said, it is crystal clear that workmanship contributes a lion’s share to the difference in their pricing.
However, their pricing of women’s jeans widely differs depending on the brand. Some brands are very expensive due to the quality they offer, global recognition, history, and heritage, among others.
You can get women’s jeans for as low as $20 or as high as $1000, depending on the brand. But in most cases, you get what you pay for. If it costs more, you are likely getting quality jeans that will live in your wardrobe for years.
What Brand Offers the Best Deal for Women’s Jeans?
There are several brands that offer women’s jeans at low prices. However, when it comes to buying something like jeans, price should not be a top priority.
There are things you need to consider depending on what you are looking for in a pair of jeans. The first thing that most people consider is quality.
In most cases, expensive women’s jeans come with good quality. Expensive denim guarantees greater comfort and a longer lifespan as well. You may pay more but your body will thank you.
Besides, there are a lot of fake jeans sold at very low prices out there. If you find an expensive jeans brand being sold at a throwaway price, don’t be quick into buying it, it is likely a fake one.
That said, the jeans brand that offers the best deal is the one that balances quality and price. Always research brand official sites for the price quotes rather than third-party sites that sell the products. Official sites never sell fake products.
Are Women’s Jeans More Comfortable?
Compared to men’s jeans, women’s jeans are made with a lot of comfort in mind. They are made from thinner denim with synthetic fiber incorporated into the fabric. This makes them feel more comfortable to the body than 100% cotton jeans that you are used to.
In addition, given that it is made of thinner fabric you can comfortably wear it in hot weather.
Women’s jeans are also made with a greater stretching capability to allow a more comfortable movement. Some of them feel just like leggings, with the only difference being the high quality of the jeans.
What Brand of Women’s Jeans is the Most Flattering?
Nailing that pair with the most flattering fit and just the right amount of stretch may not be easy. Though it is a possibility, I’ll be lying to mention a specific brand that flatters everybody’s type.
Finding a pair of jeans that fit properly will depend on your research. Women consider a lot of details in a pair of jeans and this makes it even harder.
That said, getting the most flattering jeans is all about knowing your measurements and body shape than going for what will comfortably suit you.
What is the Best Brand for Women’s Jeans?
There is never one fit answer to this question. What will be your favorite brand may not be another lady’s favorite and each of you has a reason for her preference.
However, you should have in mind that paying a lot means getting a lot. Expensive jeans brands usually come with more quality than the cheaper brands. Their colors stay intact even with years of wash.
If you are looking for the best value in jeans, you will have to consider a brand that balances quality and price.
If you are a fashionista, the fashion label will be your favorite pick. In other words, the best brand is the one that meets your needs.
Women’s jeans are expensive for a good reason. They are made of high-quality material and a lot of attention to detail. For that reason, you get what you pay for.