Is Valvoline Good Oil? (7 Important Tips)
It is essential to have good oil to help your engine run smoothly. Valvoline oil offers exceptional wear protection. To determine where performance is, an industry-standard Sequence IVA test is carried out. Valvoline oil has consistently passed the sequence VIII, VIE, and oxidation tests.
Some drivers think that you cannot rely on conventional motor oils. They believe that they are unpredictable; they have impurities and on some occasions have toxicity. Synthetic oils are more dependable.
They are a bit more expensive but they have superior performance and are more consistent.
Synthetic oils are generally better than conventional oils even though manufacturers have different formulations for different engine configurations and operating conditions.
Valvoline Synthetic Oil Performance
Valvoline oil hardly dissipates when exposed to high temperatures. Valvoline is an outstanding synthetic oil that meets all your engine’s needs.
With Valvoline oil, you will be able to enjoy long periods between oil drain intervals. Your engine will be at its peak performance-wise with Valvoline oil.
How Long Does Valvoline Oil Last?
To be able to tell how long Valvoline oil will last there are some factors to consider.
- How long do you intend to keep your vehicle?
- What kind of terrain do you drive your car in?
If you do most of your driving on the highway you will mostly drive in the highest gear your vehicle has. On the other hand, if you mostly drive in the city your vehicle will turn 2 to 3 times more times and tear and wear than it will on a fast highway.
When towing or driving on the mountains you will use a low gear and higher load.
Formulation Differences between Valvoline Synthetic Oil and conventional oil
When it comes to motor oils, synthetic does not mean (Lower Quality). Motor vehicle engines are changing as technology gets better. Valvoline oil has a very thin viscosity.
Synthetic oils cost more than conventional oils. This is because synthetic oils are made using base oils that are of higher quality.
They provide much better performance because they are better processed.
You will get better engine protection from synthetic oils because the additives used in their manufacture make them better than conventional oils
There are variables when it comes to deciding which oil to settle on between synthetic oil and conventional oil.
Synthetics can be derived from crude oil. The oils and additives in them are highly processed.
Conventional oils undergo an extensive refined process to get properties that help with friction reduction, anti-wear, and add longer life.
Synthetics have higher amounts and qualities of base oils that are made to enable them to be resistant to extreme temperatures and wear and tear.
Higher performing and newer vehicle models require the use of synthetic oils. This is because they last longer and are more resistant.
Synthetic oils have a high viscosity index which makes them able to function better in very cold temperatures as well as high temperatures.
Conventional oils might have trouble heating up enough to burn off impurities and moisture if you drive for short distances. Heavy machinery or towing vehicles need oil with a high viscosity index.
Synthetic oil performs well with those kinds of vehicles. Old vehicles with sludge build-up need synthetic oil as a salve. Synthetic oils cost more than conventional oils because of their manufacturing process.
Synthetic oils contain emulsifying agents, antifoam agents’ antioxidants, and corrosion inhibitors. They are not found in conventional oils.
Valvoline Oil Change Intervals
Valvoline oil protects your engine from iron wear and tear. If you change your oil at 1500 miles it will be at between 15 to 20 ppm of iron wear left in the oil. If you change at 10000 miles it is a bit better with 5 ppm iron wear present in the oil.
Valvoline does a perfect oil change. For Valvoline oil intervals they will do a conventional one at 300 miles, a full synthetic at 7500 miles while a syn/Blend will be done at 5000 miles.
It is not advisable to go from synthetic oil back to conventional oil but you can go from conventional to synthetic oil.
Can You Mix Synthetic and Conventional Valvoline Oils?
- Mixing conventional and synthetic oils in your engine does not improve their performance.
- It is possible to mix them as long as it is not something you do regularly.
- You can top off your oil if you need to before you make it to your next maintenance appointment.
- You have to check the viscosity of the oils you mix. They have to be recommended by the engine manufacturer.
- Mixing synthetic oil and conventional oil is not advisable because it will dilute the synthetic oil.
Valvoline Oil Costs
Most people believe in preventative maintenance. Ultimately it is for your car’s benefit. Valvoline oil changes costs are very competitive.
Valvoline oils do not compromise on their quality. They work well and in most cases without becoming more expensive than the competition.
Valvoline oil staff keeps your car’s records. That way they can keep track of your preventative maintenance.
A Valvoline maintenance visit involves the checking and refilling of the following fluids:
1. Transmission fluid
2. Antifreeze/coolant
3. Power steering fluid
4. Transfer case fluid
5. Windshield washer fluid
6. Differential fluid
Other areas in your car that undergo checks include tire pressure, vehicle lights, air filter, wiper blades, battery, and serpentine belt.
All those services are included in the Valvoline instant oil change service. The prices are as follows,
Motor oil type. | Price |
Max life synthetic blend. | $59.99 |
Premium conventional oil change. | $39.99 |
Extra quart charge. | $4.99 |
Next-gen conventional oil change. | $44.99 |
Extra oil charge. | $5.99 |
Syn power synthetic oil change. | $89.99 |
Nextgen max life full synthetic. | $89.99 |
Extra quart charge | $8.99 |
All the checks and the oil change service happen together. You might think that they are time-consuming but they are done fast and efficiently.
6 Factors to consider when choosing engine oil
Before you make a change in engine oil there are a few things that you should consider. Your oil lubricates the movable parts of your engine.
Oil also helps cool, clean, and protect your engine. At Valvoline, they will need to know a few things before the experts help you make a good choice.
- Do you drive in dusty or muddy conditions?
- Do you drive in stop-and-go traffic?
- Do you haul or tow heavy loads?
- Do you drive in areas that have mountains?
- Do you drive at prolonged high speeds?
- Do you drive for long trips (5 to 10miles)?
Valvoline oils manufacturer has a 150-year history. Valvoline oil is a one-stop-shop for your car’s needs. Valvoline is a big brand when it comes to the motor vehicle industry. It is best known for high-quality motor oil.
Always confirm with your manufacturer’s manual to find out the correct period between oil changes. Modern Valvoline synthetic oils have great additives and some properties that make them excellent for your vehicle.
Your type of vehicle, where you drive it may vary the oil change intervals. Valvoline will always be known for being the best option in motor vehicle oil services.