Is Pear Tree Wood Good for Anything? (9 Quick Facts)

Pear Tree Wood

Pear trees have magnificent large, creamy white blossoms (they look better than they smell, though). The leaves are dark and glossy, and the shade turns orange to burgundy in the fall. This color makes pear trees very appealing to the eye.

Enough about the beautiful pear tree. How about pear tree wood? Is pear tree wood good for anything?

Pear tree wood was initially used in making carved blocks for woodcuts because of its hard consistency. It holds up to heat, moisture, and woodworking tools. It is perfect for carving, making musical instruments, veneer, marquetry, furniture, and turned objects.

Woodworkers love pear tree wood because it is easy to work with. Whether you’re using hand tools or machines, this wood won’t give you a hard time. Its wood grain is straight, uniform, and has a fine texture.

I have shown you the beautiful features of pear tree wood. Now let me take you through some interesting facts about pear tree wood.   

Is Pear Tree Wood Hardwood or Softwood?

Pear tree wood is a hardwood. It comes from trees in the genus Pyrus. Additionally, pear trees are fruits trees, which typically fall under the hardwood category.

The structure of the tree is hard, and it has tiny pores in no specific arrangement. It is also dense and heavy wood, just like ebony.

However, there is a distinct difference between pear tree wood and other hardwoods. Pear tree wood lacks a figure. It does not have the typical graphics of timber. Pear tree wood doesn’t have lines running through it. Instead, it has color shifts.

What Grain and Color Does Pear Tree Wood Have?

Pear tree wood is unique. Its grain is usually straight. I cannot forget to mention the very fine and uniform texture of this wood.

The general color of pear tree wood is a dark fleshy color. The heartwood on pear trees is a pale pink. Others identify it as a reddish-brown. On rare occasions, the heartwood exhibits dark purple or black color.  

The end grain on this wood is diffuse-porous. This means that the vessels are similar and distributed in various patterns throughout the growth ring. Its pores are tiny and not uniformly arranged.  

How Does Pear Tree Wood Glue?

Pear tree wood glues easily. Such is the case when the surface is sanded. Woodworkers can have a field day with this wood as long as they handle it properly.

However, pear tree wood tends to split if it’s not well cared for. You can steam the wood to correct this. Steam-treating may alter the color by increasing the reddish coloring.

How Does Pear Tree Wood Dry?

Pear tree wood is susceptible to warping and cracking. These make it a delicate wood to deal with, especially when drying. This wood has low natural durability as it also decays quickly.

Air drying pear tree wood is one way to achieve a dry stack of wood. Proper storage should also follow to increase the durability of pear tree wood.

If you choose to use a kiln, you can add steam to stop splitting.

How Workable is Pear Tree Wood?

The best thing about pear tree wood is that it is easy to work with. Unless dried or stored in the wrong way, this wood is excellent for woodworking.

Woodworkers can use hand and machine tools on pear tree wood. They cannot crack or break the wood easily. Its surface can be planed, sanded, or polished easily. On top of that, pear tree wood can be glued, painted, and stained.

It gets even better because it’s not itchy or scratchy.

Using a bench plane (properly sharpened) on pear tree wood reveals new hues and colors with each shaving. In general, working on pear tree wood is a sensual experience.

Does Pear Tree Wood Smell?

I will not lie and say pear tree wood smells like fresh pears. This wood has no characteristic odor. Luckily, it does not stink.

Wear a protective mask when working pear tree wood. This precaution is not because it smells bad but to protect you from inhaling the fine dry dust coming from the wood.

Although some people compare the smell of pear blooms to rotten fish, the wood smells like nothing.

Does Pear Tree Wood Make Good Furniture?

Woodworkers love to work with the pear tree wood. Every layer reveals different hues and colors. Its hard consistency also makes it a great wood to work on.

Furniture made from pear tree wood is not just beautiful. It lasts for a long time. Woodworkers use pear tree wood to make noble furniture pieces and turn furniture legs. The attractive surface structure of this wood leaves furniture looking beautiful.

However, pear tree wood is expensive compared to other hardwoods. You must consider your budget before settling on pear tree wood for making furniture.

Is Pear Tree Wood Good for Smoking?

Pear tree wood, like many other fruit woods, is excellent for smoking when used in moderation. This wood adds sweetness, and it is mild. Therefore, it does not overpower the taste of the meats. 

Pear tree wood produces a fantastic smoky flavor. It goes well with chicken, fish, and even pork. However, remember to add the wood in moderation.

Pear tree wood is top on the list of the best woods for smoking meat. The unique flavor it adds takes your meat to the next level of tasty.

Is Pear Tree Wood Good for Carving?

Inarguably, pear tree wood is excellent for carving. It’s hardwood, and the 0.7 kg/m3 density is high enough for woodworkers to make carvings out of the wood.

The high density also requires the use of good-quality gouges, chisels, and mallets. The wood grain is not visible, making it perfect for use. If you want to make human-like carvings, the pink flesh tone color adds to the authenticity.

However, ensure your tools of work are as sharp as can be. Its difficulty to break or crack permits woodworkers to carve the wood into intricate designs, which are impossible to achieve in softwoods.



about pear trees
