5 Steps on How To Polish Tractors (Complete Checklist)

Purchasing a tractor is a significant expense as tractors often cost tens of thousands. To ensure your tractor investment is a good one, you likely want to maintain your tractor and protect it. Fortunately, one of the easiest ways to do so is by routinely polishing it.
We know that polishing a tractor can appear challenging, but the process needn’t be daunting if you follow the polishing steps we have provided. If you polish your tractor, it will look new for years to come and continue to operate as it should.
How To Polish A Tractor In 5 Simple Steps
Below we have briefly discussed 5 simple steps surrounding how to polish your tractor. You will notice that the process is simpler and easier than you might have expected it to be. Without further ado, let’s dive into how you should polish your tractor.
1. Clean The Exterior Of Your Tractor
Before you can polish your tractor, you need to clean the exterior. This process is easy to do and shouldn’t take you more than an hour, depending on how large your tractor is. To clean the exterior, you need to have a hose, a soft cloth, and soap.
You will start by spraying your entire tractor with water. However, be careful not to wet the interior cabin area. Next, you will use your soapy water and cloth to wash your tractor, making sure to get rid of all the bud and dirt.
Yet, remember to work in small sections and rinse after each section so that you don’t dirty areas of the tractor that you have already cleaned. After cleaning the body, you can clean the tires and then leave the tractor to dry.
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2. Use A Clay Bar Product To Get Rid Of Embedded Particles
This might seem counterproductive, but you need to use a clay bar after you have washed your tractor to remove embedded particles.
This is because often, no matter how hard you try when you wash your tractor, it’s nearly impossible to completely remove embedded dirt.
Yet remember that before using a clay bar, you need to apply a thin layer of detailing spray to act as a lubricant. By acting as a lubricant, no clay sticks to your tractor, and no residue is left behind.
To begin removing deposits, all you need to do is slide the clay over the areas where dirt has deposited while continuously exposing fresh clay.
After you have removed all the dirt deposits on your tractor, you can move on to getting rid of defects and scratches. However, remember that you will need to re-wax your tractor if you choose to use clay.
3. Use A Mild Abrasive To Remove Defects, Swirls, And Scratches
It might not seem like an important step, but if you want the best possible results, you’re going to want to use a mild abrasive product before polishing your tractor. A mild abrasive product will remove any defects, swirls, and scratches below the surface.
Once you have selected the mild abrasive you want to use, you need a sponge or cleaning rag to apply it.
You will apply the abrasive and start rubbing it along any defects, swirls, or scratches while being careful not to be too vigorous. After you are satisfied with how it looks, you can rinse off the abrasive product using clean water and a clean rag or sponge.
4. Use A Foam Applicator Pad To Polish
It may be tempting to use a rotary buffer or electric polisher to remove any cleaner and polish your tractor, but it’s best not to use one. Using a foam applicator pad by hand reduces the likelihood of burning off your paint.
To polish your tractor, you’re going to take your polish product and spread it over small sections at a time. With your foam applicator pad, you need to use small circular motions in overlapping strokes to polish your tractor.
Don’t apply too much pressure when polishing, as this will affect the end result. Instead, let the product do the work for you and maintain an even pressure while you polish your tractor.
If you apply too much pressure, you increase the likelihood of putting dirt and debris back on your tractor while you polish it.
After you have polished your tractor to your satisfaction, you need to take a folded terry cloth or microfiber cloth and remove the leftover product.
While you’re removing the leftover polish, remember to continuously change your wiping surface so that you don’t use the dirty side of your cloth.
5. Seal Your Polish And Apply A Wax
After you have polished your tractor, you need to seal the polish and wax it. This is not a required step when polishing a tractor, but it will ensure your polished appearance lasts longer.
It will also protect the paint and ensure UV rays and weather conditions don’t damage it. All you need to do is simply apply a polymer sealant and once it is dry, apply a coat of wax similar to how you applied the polish.
Why Should You Polish Your Tractor?
There are many reasons why you need to ensure you routinely polish your tractor. For example, by polishing your tractor, you are protecting the paint and making sure there are no scratches or defects.
Preserving the paint will save you money in the long run. This, in turn, ensures your tractor always has a new appearance.
Additionally, by polishing your tractor routinely, you will be able to identify if there are ever any dents or if any damage is apparent on the body, which will allow you to fix it in a timely manner.
What Type Of Wax Should You Use To Maintain A Polished Look?
If you want your tractor to maintain a polished appearance, you must use wax. There are primarily two different wax product categories you need to choose between that you should note.
Additionally, there is also a convenient wax and polish alternative that a few people in the agricultural industry opt to use instead that we will have a look at.
Natural Wax
Often the best option for a lasting polished shine is to use a natural wax-like Carnauba wax on your tractor. This type of natural wax is harder to put on your tractor and can be challenging, but it usually creates the best end result. Interestingly, Carnauba wax is the hardest wax known to man, so it is incredibly durable and will ensure you have a shine that lasts.
Synthetic Wax
A popular alternative to natural Carnauba wax is synthetic wax products. These types of waxes are usually much easier to put on your tractor after you have polished it. However, often they won’t give you the same depth of shine.
Additionally, silicone-based synthetic waxes also impede your ability to complete any spot painting in the future because new paint does not stick to silicone. Yet, a silicone-based synthetic wax will penetrate all the paint layers of your tractor, including your primer, which allows for longer intervals between rewaxing.
Permanon Platinum
Unlike certain waxes and polishes, Permanon Platinum is a nontoxic, biodegradable, non-flammable, solvent-free product. This convenient German-made product is easy to use and incredibly durable.
Essentially, it is an innovative formula that can be described as a nanotechnology coating. To use this product on your tractor, you need to use the concentrate and add one part Permanon Platinum to 10 parts water.
According to the company, it is resistant to temperatures of up to 572 degrees Fahrenheit which is far more impressive when compared to a conventional wax that is only resistant up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet how do you use this product on your tractor?
Before using Permanon Platinum on your tractor, you need to first ensure your tractor has been thoroughly cleaned. After your tractor has been cleaned, all you need to do is spray this product on using a spray bottle or a pump-type applicator.
Once you have sprayed the entirety of your tractor, you simply rinse it off. You don’t need to buff it or polish it as it will automatically give a polished appearance after being rinsed off.
Yet why is this the case? Well, when Permanon Platinum is applied to a clean tractor, it produces properties akin to the hardened glass while filling microscopic pores and any dents in the paint of your tractor.
How To Clean Your Tractor Properly