
Can Carnivores Eat Plants? Here Are The Facts (With Images)

Can Carnivores Eat Plants? Here Are The Facts (With Images)

I once watched our pretty dog feed on grass, wondering whether that was right. I later concluded it was suffering from pica and was satisfying its craving. However, I kept on thinking about whether carnivores can eat plants like our dog did. Well, if you are in that position like…

Plants Without Leaves: 6 Examples (With Pictures)

Plants Without Leaves: 6 Examples (With Pictures)

The primary plant structure includes plant leaves, but some exceptions lack this classic plant structure. The world is an incredible place with different plants separated from each other using different identifiable traits.  One of the ways to distinguish plants is whether or not they have vascular tissue or seeds. Humans…

Does Bermuda Grass Grow at Night? (+ Basic Care)

Does Bermuda Grass Grow at Night? (+ Basic Care)

Short Answer: Bermuda grass will grow both day and night. The energy from the sun helps the grass to grow during the daylight hours. With the right temperatures at night, grass will continue to grow. How Long Does It Take for Bermuda Grass to Grow? Bermuda grass can grow faster…

Types of Log Cabin​​​​​​​s (with photos)

Types of Log Cabin​​​​​​​s (with photos)

If you have a parcel of land you want to use for putting up a log cabin, you may have a hard time deciding whether to build or buy an already built one. Regardless of your decision, you need to familiarize yourself with some basics about log cabin types. Either…

Examples of Monocot Plants (with photos)

Examples of Monocot Plants (with photos)

We must admit it isn’t an easy task to differentiate monocots from dicots. But we can overcome this challenge by refreshing our knowledge on how monocots differ from dicots.  Click here for more information about dicots plants. This knowledge saves us huge amounts of time when in the field endeavoring…

7 Clever tips to clean your sockets and wrench

7 Clever tips to clean your sockets and wrench

“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools,” reads a Spanish proverb.  I’m not from Spain, but I am a clean freak (just like my annoyed wife). I like to keep my workspace spick and span,…

10 Tools for Digging in Tight Spaces (Read This First!)

10 Tools for Digging in Tight Spaces (Read This First!)

When it comes to digging in tight spaces, you can’t go wrong with digging through a gardening arsenal of essential tools beforehand. Having the right tools onsite is crucial to making the tiresome task of digging as easy as possible. Do keep in mind, though, that you’ll need much more…

How To Thaw a Frozen Outdoor Faucet(Here’s What to Do)

How To Thaw a Frozen Outdoor Faucet(Here’s What to Do)

When temperatures get below 20 degrees Fahrenheit and stay there for a while, the chances are good that your outdoor pipes and faucets are going to freeze. Although this is an inconvenience for sure, it is nothing to be overly concerned about because learning what to do in these situations…